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Michael Bowker's Books

"Bowker always writes with a strong and compelling voice."

                                                               -- Publisher's Weekly

Through his 21 award-winning and best-selling books, and his more than 4,000 newspaper and magazine articles, Michael has proven his passion for telling stories. He has interviewed and written about U.S. Presidents, athletes, actors, business leaders, swindlers, drug lords and hit men. Publisher’s Weekly said, “Bowker always writes with a strong and compelling voice.”

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GODS OF OUR TIME: A Paris Love Story   “This is a page-turning, romantic tale full of passion, tension and drama. Set in Paris during the 1920s, Bowker captures the historical period with visual acuity. The plot is refreshing and the characters unforgettable.” -- Simon & Schuster editors 


WINNING THE BATTLE WITHIN:  Having sold out four printings so far, the book provides a guide to taming our fears and re-directing the amazing power of our minds. It is designed for athletes, but the ideas, lessons and stories pertain to almost everything we do. Legendary San Francisco 49er Coach, Bill Walsh, called it “The most important book ever written on the mental approach to sports and life.”   Pete Carroll, coach of the Seattle Seahawks said, “Anybody who wants to compete in life should read this book.”





FATAL DECEPTION:  A powerful expose’ that spoke for the hundreds of thousands of cancer victims in America, Fatal Deception blew the lid off the most lethal environmental scandal in U.S. history. Physicians for Social Responsibility called it, “A book that should be made into a movie for everyone’s sake.” The subject of several documentaries, it was critically reviewed by more than 100 newspapers and magazines. Michael testified for more than 40 hours before the U.S. Senate on the human health issues he uncovered in the book.  Senator Ted Kennedy called it, “A critically important book.” After the book’s publication by Simon & Schuster, (see Michael’s author’s bio at:, he started a non-profit organization to help those afflicted by this issue.



TAKIN’ OVER:  Rapper Brandon McCartney has a new message for America’s teenagers – it’s okay to be positive.  This ground-breaking book, written in the form of emails and text messages, is Brandon’s powerful call to his peers to exchange the violence of the streets for a new message that “anything is possible.”  It is a funny, insightful, and motivating call to a new generation to “take over by imposing the positive.”





THE $100 MILLION SECRET:  A ‘how-to’ unveiling the step-by-step real estate investment method used by one man to build a $100 million fortune in 16 years for the charitable foundation he heads in Santa Barbara, California. This method can be used by nearly all non-profit organizations, but it can be used by private investors, as well.


THE VISIONARY LEADER:  The book, which made the best-seller list for business books in America, takes on traditional, corporate leadership styles. Written after hundreds of interviews with corporate leaders throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia, Michael and his co-authors make the argument that effective leaders should no longer seek to be the autocratic, top-down ‘bosses’ of the past. They present a new role for the ‘visionary leader’ as a mentor, coach and motivator; helping to create a corporate culture where “employees looked forward as much to Mondays as Fridays.”  It was one of the more enjoyable and rewarding books in Michael’s career.

SANTA BARBARA COMMUNITY BUILDERS:  This unique book profiled nearly 40 of this Southern California’s business and cultural leaders, providing previously untold stories and insights.

THE HEALTH CARE SOLUTION:  Inspired by a bipartisan blueprint for healthcare reform created by Republican Senator, Bob Dole and Democratic Senator, Richard Gephardt in the 1990s, this book offered a plan for affordable, universal health care which did not call for federal government controls.  Michael was chosen to write the book, for which he researched universal health plans worldwide. The book and blueprint were hailed by many members of Congress, but efforts to pass legislation based on the book fell to partisan in-fighting. It was Bowker’s first look into big-time, backroom politics, but not his last.

Michael is always looking for intriguing stories to tell.  Contact him at:

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